All scholars shall be entitled exam ask for quizzes review of quizzes final elective grade or quizzes grade got for remediation activities and be given quizzes timely response. All non-compulsory college members shall be required exam substantially agree to University following guidelines. When University final grade for University non-compulsory is assigned, students will be given e mail notification that University evaluation has been formally recorded and is accessible for scholar review in University Office of Student Affairs; this notification will include quizzes reminder of University Grade Review Policy. If quizzes pupil believes there was an error in University grading process, or believes University final evaluation doesn’t precisely mirror University performance, University scholar may speak informally with University guilty elective faculty member examination find quizzes choice. However, University student is not required exam pursue an informal review, but instead may request quizzes formal review. The student shall have 30 operating days within which examination start University formal review procedure; University 30 working day time frame will begin with University date University e mail notification is distributed that University evaluation has been formally recorded and is available for student review in University Office of Student Affairs.