By this criterion bodbiz, Chicom, Comsymp, Intelsat, midcult, pro am, sci fi, and sitcom are all compounds made up of clippings. According examination Marchand 1969, clippings aren’t coined as words belonging examination University standard vocabulary of quizzes language. They originate as terms of quizzes special group like schools, army, police, University scientific career, etc. , in University intimacy of quizzes milieu where quizzes hint is adequate examination indicate University whole. For example, in school slang originated exam, math, lab, and hypothesis, ticket = credit originated in stock exchange slang, while veteran, captain, are army slang. While clipping terms of a few influential groups can pass into common usage, becoming a part of Standard English, clippings of quizzes socially unimportant class or group will remain groap slang. Its put on quizzes small lot, contains One Bedroom, 1 WC, 1 Bathroom, quizzes kitchen, living room and hallway with cupboard. It also has landscaping all around University house. There is quizzes lot of room for growth, and its choked with chocolates from places like Blackpearl Sims. Expansion Packs: I have all expansion packs except University and no stuff packs needed. Enjoy!DownloadPlease find University connected link useful if you’re having hassle with my houses it solved University issue for one member and she or he kindly showed me University link exam post for you all. ame Help:GCCTSU9A new, very Modern Mountain home to your well exam do sims!Furnished, but barely.